Your company probably has someone who is the "computer guy or girl". This person is trying to manage the computers in addition to trying to do the job they were hired for. Your computer person is spending a considerable amount of time working on the computers when he should be doing his regular job.
Or maybe you have thought about using technology more effectively, but have not had the in-house talent to make it happen. Perhaps someone's well-intentioned nephew or son set up a few things once but never came back.
My typical customer has 5 to 50 computers, is a professional service business, and relies heavily on e-mail, the Internet, and their computer network for running their business. My clients hire me to support their network because they do not want to incur the overhead and cost of a full-time IT staff, and they don’t want to burden their employees with the responsibility of troubleshooting the company network.
I am most successful in working with clients that:
Solutions for Small Business, LLC is a Wilkes-Barre based computer consulting and network management company with a passion to serve the needs of your business. Read more ...
“What we like most about your service is your promptness and professional attitude in handling our computer needs. Our company greatly reduced time on computer issues that Solutions for Small Business has handled for us.”
Andrew Pasonick, Michael J. Pasonick Jr. & Associates
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